Vacation and TCM?
A little more info on postnatale acupuncture.
In China the first month after giving birth is called the YUE ZI 月子; it's literally translated as "the month". It's the famous postpartum time where women have to regain their strength and energy and eliminate the remains of the pregnancy inside the uterus and strengthen back the pelvic muscles. Acupuncture can help you with this recovery in a swift and quick way without interfering with breastfeeding or harming the newly born baby.
Day 1-3 is the elimination process. it's where we'll work of stimulation of blood circulation with acupuncture and herbs. Day 4-5 we'll use moxa or acupuncture to start your energy process getting back on track. During the first 30 days after having given birth it is good to come in once a week for boosting your energy levels.
If you've had a c-section, it's best to come in for recovery once or twice after the wound has healed to make sure the blood circulation is stimulated and there are no lumps around the wound left. self-massage with rose oil is also very important for healing the wounds.
breastfeeding can be troublesome for some women. If you have too much lactation or not enough, you can always come in for an acupuncture session. It will help you so much.
postnatale depression is something acupuncturists will handle with care. Using needling techniques and herbs that will not harm the baby. Best is to come once a week as soon as you feel your unhappiness or depression flaring up.
You can always contact me for more info or on my website