drinking water

At every consultation once of my standard questions is: how much water do you drink a day. Most of my patients confuse this question with: how much liquid do I drink every day, BUT it isn’t the same. PLAIN WATER is the most basic liquid we should drink every day, depending on the weather circumstances in your country it can vary.

WHY: plain water hydrates the body in a non-specific absorbing way. It replenishes your cells, body liquids of the full body and can help you heal faster. A body that is dehydrated is going more acidic on the ph meter. If you already suffer from migraines, muscle aches, abdominal aches, knee pains or sleeplessness for example it is necessary to hydrate your body so it can become less acidic. It might not solve the bodily pains, it will definitely help to no aggravate it or speed up the recovery process.

HOW MUCH: For Belgium I suggest 1-1,5l/day in normal circumstances. This means that you feel quenched after drinking this amount of water, you pee slight yellow/transparant urine every 2-4hours during the day, no peeing at night and no thirst at night.

OTHER LIQUIDS: herbal tea is always specific, meaning when you add lemon it will target the liver, when you add ginger it will target the stomach, when you drink verbena it will target your sleep etc. Green or black tea are diuretics, so you can have one or two mugs a day but always have some afterwards. Coffee is quite acidic on the ph meter and it has a strong purging effect so you need to drink a big glass of water after each coffee just to rebalance the acidity.


podcast interview with Annelies Espeel by Ausha


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